
9 Thermidor Year II

Things are going very badly and a part of me is glad of it, distaste is growing for Robespierre and more and more people are beginning to speak out against the horrors that he and his dear Committee of Public Safety have accomplished.  I have heard that today members of the Committee have spoken up during the meeting against the horrid Robespierre and have called for his arrest.  From the stories I’ve heard he tried to appeal to them, but ultimately he has run like a coward.  I am not surprised at all by this as he feeds off of the power that he had killing any who spoke against him and now that the majority is rising up, he has no power and can do nothing to quell the coming tide.  I, personally, am glad that it seems as though Robespierre is about to fall to his doom and I hope that he does not get away.  I feel as though he is the kind of man to flee just as our King did just before he lost his head; Robespierre has all of the marks of a coward.  I do fear though the aftermath of what is to come, I fear that there will be more fear and terror in the streets as whomever takes over begins their tirades against Robespierre.  Will those of us who have connections and money be brought to the guillotine?  Will they target all associates of Robespierre?  If they do my family is doomed considering my brother’s involvement with Robespierre and his gang.  From what I have heard, Robespierre and his associates have been declared as outlaws by the members of the Convention and I know that does not bode well for all who know him and support him.  It is so cowardly of this man and his associates to run when confronted by the people who are finally sick of their actions and disregard for the rights that we all were promised and so greatly desired.  How is it that we have come to this moment where people have to be done with killing to decided to change our government again?  Why has it taken so long for people to realize that we did not overthrow our King to turn to this violence and disaster where all of us are living in fear that we may say just the wrong thing and lose our heads in the name of the revolution?  I do not know how anyone could support Robespierre or his people, especially after Danton’s attempt to bring sense to everyone.  I find it awful that he didn’t get much of a trial and ended up losing his head, I wonder why this wasn’t ended then and took so long to be finally addressed.

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