
22 Prairial, Year II

It does not bode well for the people of France, the laws that have passed today.  Before I lived in fear because of my brother’s involvement with Robespierre, but now I am terrified for his safety and his life.  It was only a few weeks ago that some fiend attempted to take the life of two of the most dominant men in our current day; Robespierre and Collot d’Herbois.  My brother has told me that they are angrier than he has seen them before and that it seems as though Robespierre has found new life after his sadness at the death of one of his dearest friends; the writer Desmoulins.  Though, I must say that it was the fault of his own errors and his refusal to cease supporting Danton that led him to the guillotine.  As someone who used to live comfortably without fear until the rise of Robespierre, I have no love for the man; he has taken away the feeling of safety among me and my peers.  We all live in fear that we will be next, solely because of the money we possess.  But, it is the newest law that was passed today that gives us the most fear and leaves me terrified of an uprising.  Today marks the passing of the loi de la Grande Terreur and the moment when we all realize, those with money and without, that there is no longer a system that keeps us safe from being called traitors and being led to our swift death in droves.  The Committee of Public Safety now has more reasons that it can consider one a traitor to the revolution and is given less time to reach a verdict, which must be either guilty and death or innocent and released.  I know that with this new law there will be more people in the square tomorrow and I hope to God that my brother is not one of them.  It is in these times that I feel the need to pray, even though the Church can no longer save us and it feels as though God has deserted us.  Robespierre is now leading the charge to kill off what seems like every Frenchman and I wonder when it is going to stop.  How can we continue on like this? How can we survive when the smallest word or state of living can lead us to the guillotine that sits so lonely and foreboding in the square?  It is starting to feel as though the rights we were promised after the end of the King do not exist, I hope that something is done soon.  

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