
10 Thermidor Year II

Today there is new hope as the coward himself has been claimed by his own devices.  Robespierre and his closest comrades lost their heads today as soon as they were finally caught and were not given the right of a trial, just as they have been doing to the people for awhile now.  I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t happy at the outcome of the last two days and that my brother was not one of those who rightfully lost their lives today.  His head is safely on his shoulders and he is hoping to get involved with whatever government follows this one.  I find it funny how quickly alliances change, as soon as Robespierre was denounced only a few stayed loyal to him and most stopped supporting him completely and were willing to assist in taking him down.  I was in the crowds today that watched as he was marched up to the guillotine and his head was cleanly cut from his body, the blood staining the wooden platform.  If you were there you could feel the tension lift and hope restored to the people, I’ve never seen so many so happy at the death of someone else, especially someone that they once loved.  At least, not since the death of the King, though many did not love him, he was merely tolerated by all of us.  I remember meeting him once as a child, I believe he was a good person, but his leadership abilities were subpar.  Anyway, it was good to see the people finally taking control today.  I’m hopeful that after the events of this terror that has seemed to last an eternity, the people of France will be much less likely to resort to violence in the name of the revolution.  I believe that we should focus now on the rights that we have been fighting, and killing, for these last several years.  Even as someone who has been blessed with money through my family tree, I believe that there should be more equality.  While I do not want to give up my money or my status, I do wish that when I walked through the streets today I didn’t have to see the ribs of starving children. France has been too focused on killing the traitors and not focused enough on the needs of the people who are starving in the streets, the whole reason for the revolution was because the food rests in the hands of me and the others with noble blood.  Sometimes I am honestly surprised that we were not the first to be claimed by the guillotine, simply because we are the ones who have the money.

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