
18 Brumaire Year VIII

Today the powerful Napoleon has taken over our government and I believe that we can all finally rest easy.  He is one of us and wants to make changes to the government that finally give us more of a say and with his military prowess, he is perfect for the defense of our borders and the expansion of our beautiful France.  I have new hope that the revolution has finally become successful in its desired gains, though I regret the people that had to die to reach this point in time.  I have had a feeling since Napoleon stepped into the light and proved his military talent that he was going to go far and I am honestly not surprised that he would be at the head of this coup that has gotten rid of the Directory.  It couldn’t have come at a better time either, with the Directory having some issues with spaces open for new members and a hesitation with Jacobins as well as the Council of Five Hundred’s resistance and unwillingness to work with the members of the Directory.  Two parts of our government have been constantly at odds and now it seems as though we may finally get the chance to have an actual government that isn’t at odds with itself, failing to get things done for its people.  Apparently the two Councils are not concerned with the coup happing among the five members of the Directory, orchestrated by Napoleon and two of his allies, and they are continuing their meetings today.  I doubt that they will last much longer and I hope that their dismemberment takes affect quickly and without violence so that we can have a real ruler leading our government that will be able to make the changes that need to be made in order to France to retain its glory.  I know that the monarchy in England is laughing at us right now and I would honestly rather them sit in fear of us, but before we make advances outside of our country, we must first work to fix our economic problems; especially in terms of the Church that has been robbed by the State and with the lack of food in the countryside.  This revolution was started for equality and the only equality that has so far been reached is that the guillotine did not care the social standing of the head which it was swiftly removing from a body.

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